Monday, 8 June 2015

It's nearly my birthday! Eek!

Last week almost felt like my birthday! 

My new sofas arrived! And I absolutely love them! They are from DFS and part of the beautiful French Connection range. 

My little munchkin Jessica looking so cute sat on the 4 seater and the 3 seater butted up strategically to the cupboard part of my dresser. 

Jessica is also being amazing! In the last couple of weeks she started crawling and is already sofa surfing! Yesterday she even stood unaided for about 2 seconds before she decked it! Bless her! 

Oh and she now says mum, mum and Dad, dad! Killer cute! 

I also went to one of my bridesmaids from my weddings' baby shower and I crocheted her a lovely baby blanket and gave her the cutest pair of baby ugg's that her own mum bought for me when I was expecting! 

I am also so close to getting my pre pregnancy figure back! This morning I was so excited I had to take a picture!  

I have been doing Juice Plus, and as you can see, the results are very encouraging! I'm also now a Juice Plus rep. I mean, why would I not want to help others get the results that they want!? 

I am now back in size 10 jeans and size 8 tops! I can't even explain how happy I am with it, just need some proper hot weather for crop tops! Which isn't that frequent when you live so close to the sea! The breeze is beautiful but not crop top beautiful! 

This week is the last week before I turn 29 and I have a wonderful wish list going...lots of beautiful vintage dresses and accessories and of course, a sun jellies tote! I need one so bad! I need one more than I need jelly shoes! 

I'm also crushing on Cry Baby this week! How could I not? Johnny Depp at his most heartbreakingly wonderful.... 

Here you go, here's a quick piccie of the beaut to keep you going.... 

Thursday, 23 April 2015

Now we're all settled into our new home....

Myself, hubby and our little Jessica have all moved into our first home of our very own and it has been a very busy month here! 

I have just managed to pick up my crochet hook again and have some time to write again and I am loving this place! 

Here is how our home looked in the first week... 

That's my lovely husband removing the old fireplace in our living room. The middle picture is where I began to take wallpaper off and discovered that part of the back wall had collapsed in the past, hence why it was covered with wallpaper I'm guessing! 

We started removing wallpaper in the house on day 3 and found a wonderful 60s cowboy and spaceships wallpaper, which was the bottom of 4 layers in that room! It took us a total of 3 days to remove all the wallpaper in the house and we aso removed all the carpets too! 

We also had to have a whole brand new central heating system installed as there had never been any in the property! 

This was us clearing out the fireplace so that we could plaster in and around it. 

We also had to remove the entire kitchen! The kitchen had suffered a leak at one point and the tiles were so poor. In some places there were 3 or 4 layers of tile upon tile! 

The fireplace after being plastered. 

An empty kitchen!! 

We then discovered all the walls needed replastering!! 

So then we reached a stage of where things were almost starting to get better. This was only a week in! 

Second instalment to follow..... 


Saturday, 21 February 2015

I gave up my maternity clothes today...

So today I was having a lazy morning with my little family when I thought, what can I get rid of that won't take me a long time to do? 

I'd already recently gone through the items under my bed and the drawers in my bedroom and my clothes but I knew I had an entire suitcase of clothes under the bed that I hadn't looked at for a while. 

It had my maternity clothes in it! 

Looking at them is a real bittersweet feeling for me. Partly because I wore them when I was expecting our Angel Penelope, but also because I wore them when I was expecting our Rainbow Jessica and torn between hope and fear. 

I knew I had to get rid of it all though, it's right for the soul. 

All I kept was 1 tshirt with a sweet bump slogan that I bought when I was expecting Penelope and wore it this time around too ❤️ 


Even saying this I keep thinking maybe I should just go through the bag again, just invade, but honestly, once it's gone, does it really matter? It's just stuff!

The memories, the feelings, the people, whether they are here or not, that's what makes life full.

I felt, after Penelope, that with every small item I bought, it would make me feel better, but it didn't, it never did. And now, I'm having to declutter all of my hurt and grief all over again. I'm literally so relieved I'm doing it. 

What's better is that now I have my beautiful Jessica to keep me company. It's like she knows, at 7 months old, when I need a smile or a kiss from her. 

I love my girls ❤️❤️ family forever!!!! 

Thursday, 19 February 2015

Giving up clutter for lent!

This is my challenge for Lent, not giving up chocolate, or sweets or even bread, but organising my home. 

Don't get me wrong, my home isn't dirty, but I do have a lot of stuff! 

When we lost Penelope I found myself buying lots and lots of things that I'd never need and now have decided I don't want. 

I could collect it altogether and do a car boot sale with it, but with a 7 month old baby, I can't see me getting round to it in all honesty, I'd rather donate most of it to charity shops. 

For example, I have 3 typewriters! Who needs 3 typewriters? I have one from pre world war which is in a bit of a bad way. I have a beautiful portable one from the 60s which works well apart from needing a new ribbon. And finally, I have an electronic one from the 80s which still works well! I've decided to get rid of the earlier one...that's it! Lol. 

Also, I know I have 2 sewing machines, but I need them both. I have one that's 2 years old and barely broken in and an old Singer machine for display purposes only. 

I need to go through my cosmetics definitely! I have finally, after 28 years, discovered the right products for my skin! The items I have hoarded for years needs to go! 

And, like almost every woman I know, I could probably do something about decluttering my clothing. I have 12 coats!!! This was never going to end well! 

If you want to join in with the challenge go to and sign yourself up. 

Let me know if you're joining in with me. I think it's better to detox the mind, then you're ready for anything! 

Good luck!